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Amy, I really love the camelia picture. The lighting is very beautiful and I can almost smell the scent of it.

You are sooo lucky to have such a beautiful park that you can visit often. Thanks for sharing it with us.


I especially love the contrasts in the photo with all the people having picnics. From very casual (the couples) to very very formal (those businessmen/students?) on the left hand side!


Ahh I love all these pictures! Particularly the sakura filled pond, and macro shot. So gorgeous!


I love your blog! Thankyou!!


I know I ask this before, but what camera do you have? The pictures are amazing!
I am looking for another camera to capture pictures like these...simply amazing!

Please email me when you find time...will be waiting for you!


I've only been out of Japan for 10 days but this post made me so Japan-sick! I couldn't believe it was my last spring there. Enjoy it, please!


This is a clear example how beautiful our environment is if very well taken-cared of. This place for me is paradise to consider. So clean, no pollution whatsoever. I wonder the food. Should also be environment and human-friendly - I mean, preservative-free and toxic-free I may say.


Hello! I was just looking for names and photos of Japanese flora and came across your beautiful pictures. Not a side of usually think of when I think of Japan. Thank you sharing.

Iced Green Tea

I tihnk just the Japanese culture can create gardens as beautiful as these. We should follow their example.


Amazing...photography i like it,all images are very beautiful,can you please disclose which camra you use for it.

Account Deleted

Ahh I love all these pictures!You are sooo lucky to have such a beautiful park that you can visit often. Thanks for sharing it with us.


I , just like the CAMELIA garden and it's flowers ... it is so beautiful . Thanks to GOD to make such a wonder land ...

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